About Us

We are a group of young, and old, ethnically diverse hip indie presses, editors, and writers.

Slates are full.

However, if your story is exceptional then submit your novel, non­fiction narrative, and/or collection anyway.

We will read it. We read everything. Our people will call your people if we are interested.

Read Submissions guidelines to learn how you can submit to us.


DigitalReadership.com believes in social justice, and equality regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, or religion.

DigitalReadership.com will not endorse writers who promote hatred. Submissions which promote hatred, discrimination, bigotry, and/or historic racist propaganda will be rejected.

Submissions which contain hateful characters or situations will be considered for they are part of the harsh reality of life and history.

Yet submissions which intentionally sanction hatred, discrimination, bigotry, or historic racist propaganda of any kind will not be considered.

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