Ebook Fiction & Non-Fiction


Welcome Readers and Writers

We are a group of young, and old, ethnically diverse, hip indie presses, editors, and writers. Read more about us in the About Section.

Last Spring, we decided to do a Flash Fiction contest. So we decided we had to do it again this summer.

Welcome to the 2nd annual Digital Readership Flash Fiction Contest.

This year’s Flash Fiction winner was selected based on the use of literary devices, action paced narrative, dialogue, high stakes conflict, and ticking time bomb resolution, told in a 100 words.

This year’s winning story is published below.

award“The Victim”
by Elizabeth Simmons

Officer Serena Moreno put the strewn infant into a bag.
She knew Candy’s MO. Candy shot civilians to sell drugs.
Man, he was the Teutonic legend in the hood.
Cops were afraid to step foot in CandyLand.
Candy rolled down the street in his SUV, munted on weed. At the stop, the windows lowered. “Run, pig!” He belted, snatched the MK47 off the seat, pointed the gun, jutted his head out the window, and yelled: “Have your guts for gators!”
The gun’s safety gridlocked; she darted forward, and shot him. Proceeded to the victim he left behind–took out her bag.

Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved with Writers Guild of America

Congratulations to the winner. ‘Thank You’ to all who participated and reached out to us.

We want writers who are bold. We want authenticity. We want to see and feel the love, anger, humor, sorrow, betrayal, and danger of your stories.

The spirit of DigitalReadership.com-no boundaries, no rules, everyone gets a chance.


The deadline for entries to the contest is January 15, 2016. The winner will be posted on the website on February 1, 2016.

  • 100 words or less (FIRM)
  • All Fiction Genres
  • Creative Nonfiction (also known as literary nonfiction or narrative nonfiction)
  • No poetry
  • Unpublished stories only (including online)
  • Multiple entries per person are allowed and encouraged


  • Winner: $100, this year we included 2nd place $50, and 3rd place $25.

From the Legal Department

  • Entries which don’t follow the guidelines will be automatically disqualified.
  • No Refunds.
  • The decisions of the judges are final.
  • Only the Winners will be contacted regarding the results of the contest.
  • Multiple entrees are allowed and encouraged in every genre including non­fiction storytelling narratives.
  • By submitting your story in the Digital Readership Flash Fiction contest, you declare that the story was written by you; that you are the only author and owner of the work; the story has never been published before, including online; and that you are legally free to enter the story in the contest.
  • Stories written by multiple individuals, ghost writers, or plagiarized are disqualified, and revoked of their winnings. This is a breach of contract, and we reserve the right to sue if deemed appropriate.
  • Should your entry be selected as the winner, you agree to let DigitalReadership.com post your story in its entirety on the DigitalReadership.com website indefinitely.
  • DigitalReadership.com has exclusive online publication rights. However, you are welcome to publish on other sites or in print.